Thursday, August 12, 2010

Great Falls, MT

Dennis and I left Canyon Fairy and drove to find my old house for the first seven years of my life. Pretty cool that it was still there and just like I had remembered it. Interestingly enough, we noticed that most of the neighborhood was being demolished and newer homes were being built. So right before we saw he actual house, we were fearful that we may have been too late. After some investigation, Dennis found out that the remaining homes in this neighborhood will become a part of Operation Walking Sheild--the homes will be donated to an indian reservation.
After getting access to the vacant house, Dennis and I were able to walk through and take some pictures. Pretty emotional for me--more than I thought that it would be.
In any event, here is a little bit of my past. My sisters and I would spend hours down in this basement rollerskating around those orange poles. You remember those old skates that were metal and there was a key. OH and you had to put your shoes in them and there was a leather strap that you had to fasten around your ankle and when you fell you not only skined your knees you also broke your leg!
Also, there used to be a huge smoke stack in Anaconda but it was torn down in 1982. Here is a before and after.
Thank you, Dennis for helping me get here before it was to late.

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